mǎi,to buy dōngxī,thing dōng,east xī,west zǎo,(good) morning a,ah tàitài,Mrs báicài,chinese cabbage bái,white cài,vegetable hàochī,to be delicious hǎo,good ma,? jīn,chinese pound jǐ,how many yào,to want gěi,to give guì,expensive hǎohē,delicious (drink) yǒu,to have mài,to sell chē,car liàng,M car nǐmen,you (pl.) wǒmen,"we tāmen,them tāmen,they méi,not rìběn,Japan měiguó,USA guó,country zhōngguó,China duìbùqǐ,sorry bù,not zhǒng,"kind hěn,very wàn,ten thousand qiān,thousand bǎi,hundred líng,zero tài,too le,after stative verbs piányí,inexpensive yīdiǎner,a little diǎn,point xíng,acceptable yìdàlì,Italy fàguó,France yīngguó,U.K.